Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe

Chocolate Lava Cake Recipe


-½ lb bittersweet chocolate, chopped
-½ lb unsalted butter
-6 eggs
-½ c sugar 
-½ c flour 


Preheat oven to 400deg F Butter bottom and sizes of ramekins or cup cake molds or paper cups Sprinkle with sugar, tapping to remove extra In double boiler, melt chocolate and butter Whisk until thoroughly melted In large bowl, whisk eggs, sugar and flour until just blended. Gradually whisk choclate into egg mixture until combined Evenly divide the mixture between ramekins or cups using about 1/3 c for each. Place on baking sheet for 10-12 min until tops firm and beginning to crack and edges set. Remove from oven and serve immediately with ice cream. May be made ahead and reheated in 350deg oven for 6min, just to warm. Top with 4oz mascopone cheese, 1T sugar, and 4oz whipped cream. 

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Pera Eka Dawasaka-Milton Malawarachchi